Hot Wheels 2025 Mystery Models - Series 1

The Hot Wheels 2025 Mystery Models Series 1 is hitting stores now. This set includes 10 vehicles, with cars 1, 2, and 3 being the most sought-after.
A Porsche, Skyline, and Morris Mini are the chase cars and the only ones modeled after real-life vehicles.
- Porsche 911 Carrera
- '82 Nissan Skyline R30
- Morris Mini
- Amazoom
- Track Ripper
- Electro Silhouette
- Gruppo x24
- Formul8r
- Count Muscula
- Hot Wired
Hot Wheels Mystery Models are assortment Y8127 and can be found in 24-count shelf displays. In the U.S. they can be found at Walmart.

Porsche 911 Carrera

'82 Nissan Skyline R30

Morris Mini


Mystery Models come packaged in a foil pack that hides the vehicle, but you can usually determine what car is inside. On the back of a pack, there should be a code with "/01", "/02", "/03", etc.

The "/02" code, circled in red, indicates that car number "2" is inside the pack. If the code were "/03", it would signify car number "3", and so on.
Car pics from 1809brandon, hally3bs, and ajibnobi.