Hot Wheels 2023 Mystery Models - Series 3

While hunting for Hot Wheels, keep an eye out for 2023 Mystery Models Series 3. There are 10 vehicles in the set with 1, 2, and 3 being the chase cars.
The first three cars are the most desirable and the only cars in Series 3 based on actual vehicles.

- '71 Datsun 510
- '98 Subaru Impreza 22B STi-Version
- Porsche 356 Outlaw
- Fast 4WD
- Dune-A-Soar
- Hi Beam
- Loop Coupe
- Muscle Speeder
- Rising Heat
- Time Tracker

Mystery Models come packaged in a bag that hides the vehicle, but you can usually determine what car is inside. On the back of a bag, there should be a code with "/01", "/02", "/03", etc.

'71 Datsun 510

'98 Subaru Impreza 22B STi-Version

Porsche 356 Outlaw