More Hot Wheels Designer Autographs

More Hot Wheels designers have been autographing Hot Wheels cars. This time designers Brendon Vetuskey and Kevin Geraldez were at a Hot Wheels manufacturing plant in Thailand.
Thailand is where premium Hot Wheels are produced so mainlines won't be the only vehicles with autographs.
The only known signed premium so far is the '64 Chevy Nova Gasser. It is 3/5 in the Car Culture: Dragstrip Demons set.
I'm sure there will be quite a few other signed Hot Wheels. Look for signatures on the body, base, or blister card.
In a couple of months if you come across a Hot Wheels car with a signature be very happy. You will have found a very unique and exciting collectible.
See my previous post for autographed basic and mainline Hot Wheels.
Pics from hotwheelsdreamteam.