2024 Hot Wheels Poster 2

2024 Hot Wheels Poster 2

Here's the second Hot Wheels poster for 2024, showcasing a lineup of mainline cars grouped into twelve series.

If a series has a Treasure Hunt, the vehicle has been highlighted.

You can download the Hot Wheels poster at Mattel Creations.

I have also uploaded the posters as PDFs and as JPGs which you can view online or download. JPG is ideal for viewing on your phone or when you have a slower internet connection.

Poster 2

https://hwjamey.com/poster/2024-hot-wheels-poster-2a.pdf High-resolution PDF (77.71 MB)

https://hwjamey.com/poster/2024-hot-wheels-poster-2.jpg JPG (3.76 MB)

Poster 1

https://hwjamey.com/poster/2024-hot-wheels-poster-1a.pdf High-resolution PDF (48.1 MB)

https://hwjamey.com/poster/2024-hot-wheels-poster-1.jpg JPG (3.51 MB)

There are four Hot Wheels posters in total. Mattel only offers digital versions of the posters. No printed posters are available.

Below is Poster 2 broken up by series.

You can also find Hot Wheels posters from 2022 and 2023 here.